Hamburger Tuckerboot

Originally this boat was intended for the rough, river Elbe to serve as a robust work boat in the port of Hamburg. Here mostly boats with tiller or wheel steering were used. They drove as “Fast Mokers” and took on passenger and transport tasks. This is how the mooring profession came into being more than 100 years ago. They drove in small, agile double ender boats to meet the big sailors and steamers in order to arrange mooring with the captain. The boats were rowed and brought the ropes to the quay. In the 1930s, wooden motorboats were increasingly used, which were later replaced by steel boats. These were equipped with small diesel engines, which gave rise to the name Tuckerboot due to their noises. Today these boats are equipped with every comfort and are ideal for inland cruising right up to the coast.

For the 700th anniversary of Hamburg-Blankenese, the designer Reinhard Stelzer presented the Hamburg Tuckerboot for the first time in traditional wooden construction, from which he then developed the Hamburg Tuckerboot 675 in a modern plastic construction.

Whether in the starting version as an open boat with tiller steering or as a cabin version with full equipment including a wooden deck, stove, on-board toilet and wheel steering, this boat offers all options for customizing it according to customer requirements.

Since the Hamburg Tuckerboot is purely a displacer with an electric drive, the noise emissions are far lower than those of a boat with a combustion engine.

The manufacture, maintenance and repair of yachts is one of our main activities as a boat builder. Boats and yachts have been mainly made of GRP since the 1960s. Today, in addition to emissions in the manufacturing process, there is also the problematic disposal of fiber composite materials. These materials consume a lot of CO2 during production and can only be treated as hazardous waste after their life time.

Cold-curing plastics (GRP) and adhesives based on polyester and epoxy resin are mainly used in yacht construction. Products (boats) are made from composite materials of a wide variety of plastics.

The aim of the project is to produce a boat that:

A: contains the maximum proportion of renewable raw materials

B: is subject to the lowest possible consumption of CO2 during the construction phase

C: emits as little CO2 as possible during operation

These goals will be achieved in the development and production of a product by Yachtwerft Hamburg GmbH. This product is a classic motorboat with a length of 6.75 m, which can be used privately as well as commercially. In order to achieve the goals, the following measures will be taken:
The innovation of the overall project can be understood in such a way that a standard series product can be realized with the conventional means and tools that are common in the industry in the sense of the energy transition using renewable raw materials. In addition to a long service life, the series product should be as CO2 neutral and recyclable as possible.

The goal of making a boat with a modern composite construction from renewable raw materials is an innovation. It must be checked in each area which fiber is the right one. The processes are then implemented in production and provided with new standards.

For our current Specification Document, please click the image here to download a .pdf